Now you know!

It's all within you already. Just trust yourself 💕


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Guess what I've been up to!

Hello beautiful people! Today I decided to video blog...

check it out! 


Click here to read an awe inspiring testimonial!!  


Thank you for watching! 

 To book a complimentary in person or over the phone consultation to learn more about how my program can transform you and your life please click this link and fill out the contact form.




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A transformation like no other! - Testimonial

"At 61, I was at a point in my life where I felt stuck and stagnant, with negativity all around me.  My weight loss had stalled and I kept getting injured, which was slowing my journey.

Frustrated and disappointed, I felt the future was going to be a slow decline to the grave, when a new hope crossed my path.  The hope came from Julie Creightons' Self Mastery Breakthrough Program.

The Self-Mastery Breakthrough Program was explained to me, and I was made very aware of the level of commitment that would be required of me, in order to achieve success with it.  The commitment of time, energy, money and sticking with it through the uncomfortable parts, were absolutely necessary.  I decided that staying stuck was not an option, so change was necessary.

I had faith that Julie had my best interests in mind, so I surrendered to the process without reservation.  I faithfully followed the regimen she set out, and have been abundantly rewarded!

My transformation has been astounding!!

Healing past traumas has afforded me new opportunities to improve family relationships.

  My goal setting is now realistic and doable.  I have learned strategies to protect myself from negativity.  I finally broke through my weight loss plateau, losing 20 pounds during the Breakthrough Process.

My physical health improved, with my injuries healing, by setting and sticking to smart goals.

My confidence and profound change, physically, emotionally and spiritually, radiates from me, causing family and friends to remark on it often.

This program has been the easiest, and yet the most challenging journey of my life.  To break free of patterns and habits that no longer serve me, to set and follow goals to completion, and just to be comfortable in my own skin has been an amazing accomplishment for me.

The key to my success has been:
  1.  Sincerely desiring positive change in my life
  2.  Giving myself permission to surrender to the process.
  3.  Complete faith that I was safe
  4.  No judgement of me by Julie Creighton, and her respect for my privacy.

Julie has consistently provided encouragement, compassion and support throughout the program, but has also taken a firm, no nonsense stance when I needed it.  Her steadfast and unwavering countenance, with no judgement, has helped me to always operate from a perspective that honours my best and highest most authentic self.

I highly recommend Julie Creightons Self Mastery Breakthrough Program to help you transform and achieve all that you need to become unstuck and find happiness and success again!

It is a PRICELESS service to give to yourself.
WORTH EVERY CENT!!!"~ Debbie B. 



Working with Debbie was an absolute pleasure and it ignited a spark within me that fuels my desire to help people end their own suffering and achieve greatness!! Debbie, if you are reading this it was an absolute honour 💕 

 ~ With Love, Julie

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Introducing the REAL you!

You have been working on yourself forever! How do you KNOW when the true and authentic you is the one people see?


The moment that you can walk your walk and talk your talk all the while understanding that some people might not believe in you, they might not be content with you and they might not accept you.

That moment of realization is proof you are being the true you. 

The moment you realize that it's ok for people to be this way. They require it for their own learning in life. You require it so that you are able to acknowledge that all the opinions and thoughts of others are about where they are in the understanding of things as well as where they are in the understanding of WHO you are.

The proof here is that you REALIZE and embrace the fact that there is no need for you to take it to heart and be offended.

The moment YOU truly believe in yourself and are wholly your self will be the same moment that you realize another person's negative opinion of you or negative suggestion to you no longer offends you.

This is evidence that you are being who you truly are.

Until the above happens you are not really being your true self out there in the world.

I say this because your true self would love YOU so much that the outside negativity would not get in. Until you love yourself THAT much, you still need to search and sculpt yourself into that authentic person you already are. You just need to chisel off the dust and layers that have covered you over time.

Like the great sculptor Michelangelo said: "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it." So be your own sculptor and seek to discover and reveal the incredible statue inside. That statue IS you, your TRUE you.


Keep in mind the authentic you is REAL!

You ought not wait until you reach an impossible perfection. You ought to seek self acceptance that wherever you are in your own understanding of yourself and the world YOU live in is perfect.

Imperfectly perfect.

Walk the walk imperfectly perfect, show yourself at every growth stage and know that you are absolutely magnificent where ever you are. Just keep moving forward.💕


I have an insatiable desire to help people stop their own suffering. I hope I have helped you in some small way🌷

~with love, Julie

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Let Go! Uh.... How?!

"Just let it go."  

I hear people say this all the time. I say it frequently to people.  I practice it regularly myself. Recently I discovered that what I thought " Letting Go" was, maybe wasn't at all.

First off, let me describe what "letting go" is: It is the ability to release a bargain that we are unconsciously holding ourselves hostage to.  

Usually a situation occurs like someone said or did something, we lost a job, a friend or a loved one and there is grief, sadness or anger tied in. We go over and over the situation in our minds, obsess over it and feel the negative emotions that are tied into them strongly,  usually daily. Why do we hang on so strongly? That is the bargaining part. It is because we have made the unconscious decision to hold ourselves hostage in a deep, dark place until "justice" is served.  Usually the justice is something that can never occur. You see our unconscious mind operates at about a 7-8 year old level and it's rarely, how shall I say it? REALISTIC. 

The end result is being stuck in negative emotion and never having the justice served.

Then we hear people, like me saying to us " just let it go!" You wonder to yourself, "How the ef, do I do THAT?!?" Great question!

It's an inside job. The secret ingredient is awareness.


Just knowing what you know now about the unconscious mind and its ability to hold you hostage due to a bargaining tactic that will never see justice can be a huge a-ha for many people. Although, if you are anything like I was, it might not be enough. If so, with your newly discovered awareness on the topic you can add the following "practice steps":

1. Allow tears or any other emotion to flow. Tears show up with sadness  (obviously) , but they can bubble up with anger, frustration, guilt, fear, hurt too. Let them out. If you believe that tears are a sign of weakness, knock that sh!t off!!! Not true. It's just not. Men and women need to let tears out. It's the releasing part! If you push the tears down you are gluing yourself into "stuck". 

Just stop it ! If the urge strikes, Cry.  If you need to rage and hit something, do it safely and join a kickboxing class or invest in a punching bag and boxing gloves.

2.  Laugh. Some people don't sense an urge to become a pool of tears. Some people upon reflection and understanding of a situation laugh or I see people laugh through their tears and they say it's because they felt a lifting or release and suddenly there is joy. Yep! I see it all the time with my clients.

3. Acceptance: Every situation that we can't let go of has a deeper lesson. Find the lesson and you are freed. It's easier to find the lesson after you allow your body to physically release and "let go". That's why I put it in the number 3 spot: accept that you learned something out of the situation. Learning the lesson tied into the situation is cathartic and is key to releasing ourselves as hostage. 

4. Calm is what you will be left with. When you have your lesson, felt your emotion and allowed it to express up and out of you - you have successfully let go. Congratulations!   

Life is one beautiful lesson after another. Sometimes disguised in tradgedy or disaster. No matter how big or small there is a lesson.  Allow yourself to be human and emote, it's necessary. Don't allow your 7-8 yr old unconscious mind to hold you hostage. Now you have a little more awareness and my hope is another piece to the puzzle of how to let go. 

My deepest desire is to help end people's suffering and if you are suffering I hope this helps ❤️ 

~with love, Julie xo

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What does Self-Mastery and Wellness Have to do with Traditional Martial Arts?


Self expression through the development of mental and emotional understanding and control.

Self defense which teaches preservation of mind and body

Self control, self commitment, self worth, self respect, self understanding, self realization

I could go on. The training itself causes the practitioner to attain the highest level of Self-Mastery and Wellness!

If they choose to.

Teaching others martial arts and guiding people as a Self Mastery coach with additional coaching skills  is truly a wonderful combination and both compliment one another naturally.

Know that YOU are worth investing in. 


My personal SUPER DISCOVERY that has occurred as a result of my own training has been finding a connection within myself. I have recognized my worth, and I am enjoying the journey to growing older as a time to focus on being a better me. Staying fit of mind and body through the practice of Self-Mastery and wellness focus. My training has played a large role in getting me here. 



The journey a person takes on the path of traditional martial arts training is NOT a path to learn to FIGHT! It is a path of constant self improvement, you never reach perfection and you understand that there is perfection already within the imperfections of yourself. Learning to spend time money and energy in training YOUR mind, body and energy that flows through.


Self Mastery is achieveable by anyone. Training physically in a traditional martial art will help the process and I realize that this is not for everyone but the Self Mastery part is rooted in having a growth or black belt mindset.  You can develop the mindset of a black belt through mindset training and find it easier to master all areas of you mind, body and energy that flows through. Once you've mastered this foundation you can easily move on to mastering ALL areas of your life!  This is true success.


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